Friday, July 9, 2010

E3 2010

As a hard core game nerd and having nothing better to do at my mom's work I have decided to make a rundown of E3 and the major conferences.

Did they really need to sink to this level... one word: kinnect. This is Microsoft's new device that makes gaming hands free and full of sweat. For me I think this is a useless device. I would rather be sitting on my couch relaxing holding a game remote than standing up and looking like a complete idiot. A good thing about it was they gave the crowd free xbox360 slims, the new console from them. I would have to give this conference a 7.5/10

Did Microsoft give birth to a baby? Instead of the useless device that I cannot will myself to type Sony decided to make us look like an idoit well holding something! That is basically the only difference. BTW they call it the Sony Move. Thats the only thing they got right. (zing!) Aside from useless crap that I will not buy they announced big games like little big planet 2 which looks very exciting with it's new vehicle concept. For Sony since they made kinnect look even more worse I would give it an 8/10.

As you may have noticed I saved the best for last. Nintendo! They have come out with the 3DS. It (as you may have guessed) uses 3d elements that won't make you look like an idiot. They also unveiled the new legend of zelda game: The skyward sword. It was the best conference at E3 thus earning a 9/10.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's Friday: Let us rejoice!

Finally it is Friday. I had a four day week but it felt like five. So, today our "team" at school took a picture with our sunglasses, ipods, and cellphones. I used my zippo light app lol! So I guess today was a pretty boss day. L8trz!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Aloha Mother's Day!

What a great Mother's day I'm having today! A couple of minutes ago I was informed that I am going to HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never been there and I am mega excited! We are there for ten days and we are swimming with the dolphins and going to see a pineapple plantation and lots of other stuff. ALOHA MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!! L8trz!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Haven't been posting lately for some reason but I am trying. XD Hopefully on Monday me and my friends are getting together for a Pokemon battle. It is 3 v 3 and I am using Croconaw, Garados, and Exeggcute. Hope me and my friend win! L8trz!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Random Post

Hey so it turns out I have a follower and that I'm really f**king tired. XD The real reason I'm posting is because I am bored and did I mention tired. Also yesterday I won a bet saying I couldn't stay "normal" in class but I won. So I bought lunch with it. IN UR FACE! L8trz!


Well it turns out my best friend is a gargoyle. Oh wait... It's actually about that this is my first ever blog! Today at school I had a great idea. Give schools a worldwide motto; "It's awful but it works!" For some strange reason I think that it is taken. Well guess that is it for today. L8trz!